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Fueled by more than 125 publications, Professor Jackson’s research on hiring practices, career mobility, workforce diversity and workplace discrimination has evolved into his focus on organizational disparities, a term he is credited with coining.

  • Journal Articles
    Chen, J. A., Tutwiler, M. S., & Jackson, J. F. L. (2020, May 7). Mixed-reality simulations to build capacity for advocating for diversity, equity, and inclusion in the Geosciences. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education. Advance online publication. Waisome, J. A. M., Jackson, J. F. L., & Gilbert, J. E. (2020). The iAAMCS ecosystem: Retaining Blacks/African-Americans in CS PhD programs. IEEE Computing. Posselt, J. R., Chen, J., Dixson, G., Jackson, J. F. L., Kirsch, R., Nunez, A. M., & Teppen, B. J. (2019). Advancing inclusion in the geosciences: An overview of the NSF-GOLD program. Journal of Geosciences Education, DOI: 10.1080/10899995.2019.1647007 Jackson, J. F. L., Charleston, L. J., Lewis, C. W., & Gilbert, J. E. (2017). Arizona’s rising STEM occupational demands and declining participation in the scientific workforce: An examination of attitudes among African Americans toward STEM college majors and careers. Texas Education Review, 5(2), 91-111. Adserias, R. P., Charleston, L. J., & Jackson, J. F. L. (2017). What style of leadership is best suited to direct organizational change to fuel institutional diversity in higher education? Race, Ethnicity and Education, 20(3), 315-331. O’Callaghan, E. M., & Jackson, J. F. L. (2016). Exploring gender disparities in senior-level position attainment in the academic workforce: Does evidence suggest a glass ceiling? Journal of the Professoriate, 8(2), 30-62. Dillion Jr, E. C., Gilbert, G. E., Jackson, J. F. L., & Charleston, L. J. (2016). Expanding the pipeline: The state of African Americans in computing science. Computing Research News, 27(8), 2 – 6. Dillon, E. C., Gilbert., J. E., Jackson, J. F. L., & Charleston, L. J. (2015). The state of African-Americans in computer science: The need to increase representation. Computing Research News, 27(8). Gilbert, J. E., Jackson, J. F. L., Dillion, E. C., & Charleston, L. J. (2015). Broadening participation African Americans in the U.S. computing sciences workforce: An exploration of the education-to-work pipeline. Communications of ACM, 58(7), 35-38. Charleston, L. J., Charleston, S. A., & Jackson, J. F. L. (2014). Using culturally responsive practices to broaden participation in the educational pipeline: Addressing the unfinished business of Brown in the field of computing sciences. Journal of Negro Education, 83(3), 400-419. Charleston, L. J., George, P., Jackson, F. L. J., Berhanu, J., & Amechi, M. (2014). Navigating underrepresented STEM spaces: Experiences of Black women in U.S. computing science higher education programs who actualize success. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education,7(3), 166-176. Charleston, L. J., Adserias, R. P., Lang, N., & Jackson, J. F. L. (2014). Intersectionality and STEM: The role of race and gender in the academic pursuits of African American women in STEM. Journal of Progressive Policy & Practice, 2(3). Jackson, J. F. L., & Flowers, L.A. (2014). Supporting the pathway to the professoriate: A descriptive overview of a faculty development program. Journal of Faculty Development, 28(1), 83-84. Charleston, L. J., Gilbert, J. E., Escobar, B., & Jackson, J. F. L. (2014). Creating a pipeline for African American computing science faculty: An innovation faculty/research mentoring program model. Journal of Faculty Development, 28(1), 85-92. Jackson, J. F. L., Charleston, L. J., & Gilbert, J. E. (2014) The use regional data collection to inform university led initiatives: The case of a STEM education SWOT analysis. Journal of STEM Education, 15(1), 11-19. Jackson, J. F. L., Charleston, L. J., Gilbert, J. E., & Seals, C. (2013). Changing attitudes about computing science at historically black colleges and universities: Benefits of an intervention program designed for undergraduates. Journal of African American Studies, 17, 162-173. Jackson, J. F. L., & O’Callaghan, E. M. (2011) Understanding employment disparities using glass ceiling effects criteria: An examination of race/ethnicity and senior-level position attainment across the academic workforce. Journal of the Professoriate, 5(2), 67-99. Leon, R. A., & Jackson, J. F. L. (2009). Examining academic leadership position attainment in higher education: Evidence from NSOPF: 99. Annuals of the Next Generation, 2(1), 46-63. Kile, K., & Jackson, J. F. L. (2009). Administrative work in higher education: A review of empirical research. Annuals of the Next Generation, 2(1), 64-83. Jackson, J. F. L., & O’Callaghan, E. M. (2009). What Do We Know About Glass Ceiling Effects? A Taxonomy and Critical Review to Inform Higher Education Research.. Research in Higher Education, 50, 460-482. Gilbert, J. E., Jackson, J. F. L., Seals, C. (2008). African American researchers in computing sciences: A model for broadening participation in computing. Computing Research News: A Publication for the Computer Research Association, 20, 3. Jackson, J. F. L., & O’Callaghan, E. M. (2008). How diverse has computer science faculty become during the past decade (1993-2004)? IEEE Computer, 41, 104-107. Jackson, J. F. L. (2008). Race segregation across the academic workforce: Exploring factors that may contribute to the disparate representation of African American men. American Behavioral Scientist, 51, 1004-1029. Jackson, J. F. L. (2006). The nature of academic deans’ work: Moving toward an academic executive behavioral model in higher education. Journal of the Professoriate, 1(1), 7-22. Jackson, J. F. L., & Daniels, B. D. (2006). A pilot study of the workplace experiences for White student affairs professionals at historically Black colleges and universities: Implications for organizational culture and future research. NASAP Journal, 8(1), 26-49. Jackson, J. F. L. (2006). Hiring practices of African American males in academic leadership position at American colleges and universities: An employment trends and disparate impact analysis. Teachers College Record, 108(2), 316-338. Jackson, J. F. L. (2004). Engaging, retaining, and advancing African Americans to executive level positions: A descriptive and trend analysis of academic administrators in higher and postsecondary education. Journal of Negro Education, 73(1), 4-20. Jackson, J. F. L., & Peterson, K.D. (2004). Executive behavior: An examination of select studies for three decades of administrative work across organizational settings, industries, and contexts. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 10(3), 82-90. Jackson, J. F. L. (2004). Toward a business model of executive behavior: An exploration of the workdays of four college of education deans at large research universities. The Review of Higher Education, 27(3), 409-427. Jackson, J. F. L., & Kile, K. (2004). Does a nexus exist between the work of administrators and student outcomes in higher education?: An answer from a systematic review of research. Innovative Higher Education, 28(4), 285-301. Jackson, J. F. L. (2003). Toward administrative diversity: An analysis of the African American male educational pipeline. The Journal of Men’s Studies, 12(1), 43-60. Jackson, J. F. L. (2003). Engaging, retaining, and advancing African Americans in student affairs administration: An analysis of employment status. NASAP Journal, 6(1), 9-24. Jackson, J. F. L., & Gmelch, W. H. (2003). How associate deans’ positions are designed within the context of the Top 50 Colleges and Schools of Education. Peabody Journal of Education, 87(2), 88-110. Jackson, J. F. L., & Flowers, L. A. (2003). Retaining African American student affairs administrators: Voices from the field. College Student Affairs Journal, 22(2), 125-136. Heggins, W. J., & Jackson, J. F. L. (2003). Understanding the collegiate experience for Asian international students at a Midwestern research university. College Student Journal, 37(3), 379-391. Jackson, J. F. L. (2002). Retention of African American administrators at predominantly White institutions: Using professional growth factors to inform the discussion. College and University, 78(2), 11-16. Flowers, L. A., Jackson, J. F. L., & Bridges, B. K. (2002). Influences on precollege students’ use of study strategies. Journal of Critical Inquiry into Curriculum and Instruction, 4(1), 10-15. Flowers, L. A., Jackson, J. F. L., & Bridges, B. K. (in press). Influences on precollege students’ use of study strategies. In T. Huber (Ed.), Storied inquiries in international landscapes an anthology of educational research. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. [Reprint] Snowden, M. T., Jackson, J. F. L., & Flowers, L. A. (2002). An examination of the efficiency of the proposed remedies and settlement for Ayers: Based on a study of Black college students in Mississippi. NASAP Journal, 5(1), 7-20. Jackson, J. F. L., Snowden, M. T., & Eckes, S. E. (2002). Fordice as a window of opportunity: The case for maintaining historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) as predominantly Black institutions. West’s Educational Law Reporter, 161, 1-19. Heggins, L. D., Jackson, J. F. L., & Parks, E. R. (2001). People of Nia: The story of a Black graduation. College and University, 77(1), 23-27. Jackson, J. F. L., & Ebbers, L. H. (1999). Bridging the academic-social divide: Academic and student affairs collaboration. The College Student Journal, 33(3), 380-384. Jackson, J. F. L., Nelson, J. R., Heggins, W. J., Schuh, J. H., & Baatz, C. M. (1999). Guidelines for writing for publication: Demystifying the process. College and University, 75(1), 11-14. Jackson, J. F. L. (1999). Mentoring program at Auburn University: Reducing risk factors for African American male students. Journal of Educational Opportunity, 17(2), 25-30. Jackson, J. F. L., & Tenclinger, B. W. (1998, April - May). NPHC/IFC/CPH relations: A product of the Greek structure. Perspectives. Indianapolis, IN: Association of Fraternity Advisors Inc. 16-17.
  • Books and Edited Volumes
    Moore III, J. L., & Jackson, J. F. L. (Eds.). (in process). Global research on the Black male educational pipeline: International perspectives to inform local solutions. Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education: An International Journal. student affairs: A Festschrift in honor of Melvin C. Terrell. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. Jackson, J. F. L., Charleston, L. J., & Gilbert, C. (Eds.). (2017). Advancing Equity and Diversity in Student Affairs. Lewis, C., & Jackson, J.F.L. (2014). The effects of media on scholar identity development. Black History Bulletin, 77(1). Jackson, J. F. L., O’Callaghan, E. M., & Leon, R. A. (Eds.). (2014). Measuring glass ceiling effects in higher education: Opportunities and challenges. New Directions for Institutional Research (159), Jossey-Bass Press. Harper, S. R., & Jackson, J. F. L. (Eds.). (2010). Introduction to American higher education. New York, NY: Routledge Press. Jackson, J. F. L., & O’Callaghan, E. M. (2009). Ethnic and racial administrative diversity: Understanding work life realities and experiences in higher education. Jossey-Bass Press. Jackson, J.F. L., & Moore III, J. L. (Eds.). (2008). Beyond brown: New approaches to addressing inequities in education for African American males. American Behavioral Scientist, 51. Gilbert, J. E., & Jackson, J. F. L. (Eds.). (2007). M7 STEM White paper: Final report. Milwaukee, WI: Marquette University. Jackson, J. F. L., & Terrell, M. C. (Eds.) (2007). Creating and maintaining safe campuses: A sourcebook for evaluating and enhancing safety programs. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing. Jackson, J. F. L. (Ed.). (2007). Strengthening the educational pipeline for African Americans: Informing research, policy, and practice. Albany, NY: SUNY Press. Jackson, J. F. L., & Moore III, J. L. (Eds.). (2006). PK-12 and higher education: An examination of critical stages within the educational pipeline for African American males [Special Issue]. Teachers College Record, 108(2). Jackson, J. F. L. (Ed.). (2004). Top line: A status report on African American leadership in higher and postsecondary education [Special Focused Section]. Journal of Negro Education, 73(1). Jackson, J. F. L. (Ed.). (2003). Diversifying student affairs: Engaging, retaining, and advancing African Americans in the profession [Special Issue]. NASAP Journal, 6(1).
  • Book Chapters
    Lor, N., & Jackson, J. F. L. (in press). African American faculty and administrators in higher education: From recruitment and retention. In K. Lomotey & W. A. Smith (Eds.), The racial crisis in American higher education (2nd ed). Albany, NY: SUNY Press. Jackson, J. F. L. (2017). A pioneer in the field: Melvin C. Terrell’s significant contributions to diversifying student affairs administration. In J. F. L. Jackson, L. J. Charleston, C. K. Gilbert (Eds.), Advancing equity and diversity in student affairs: A Festschrift in honor of Melvin C. Terrell (pp. 3-8). Charlotte: NC, Information Age Press. Charleston, L. J., Jackson, J. F. L., & Berhanu. J (2017). Responding to the growth of diversity on American college campuses: Strategies for creating inclusive institutions. In J. F. L. Jackson, L. J. Charleston, C. K. Gilbert (Eds.), Advancing equity and diversity in student affairs: A Festschrift in honor of Melvin C. Terrell (pp. 167-182). Charlotte: NC, Information Age Press. Jackson, J. F. L., Parrish III, W. P., & Contreras, C. (2017). Applying an engagement, retention, and advancement model for administrators of color in higher and postsecondary education. In J. F. L. Jackson, L. J. Charleston, C. K. Gilbert (Eds.), Advancing equity and diversity in student affairs: A Festschrift in honor of Melvin C. Terrell (pp. 371-386). Charlotte: NC, Information Age Press. Charleston, L. J., & Jackson, J. F. L. (2016). The impact of media imagery on academic identity development for Black Male student-athletes. In P. A. Pasque, M. P. Ting, N. Ortega, & J. C. Burkhardt (Eds.), Transforming understandings of diversity in higher education: Demography, democracy and discourse (pp. TBD). Sterling, VA: Stylus. Charleston, L. J., Gilbert, J. E., Jackson, J. F. L., & Adserias, R. P. (2015). African-American researchers in computing sciences: Expanding the pool of participation. In P. H. Mosley & S. K. Hargrove (Eds.), Navigating academia: A guide for women and minority STEM faculty (pp. 155 – 168). London, UK: Academic Press. Leon, R. A., & Jackson, J. F. L. (2015). Examining glass ceiling effects: A cross-sector artifacts analysis perspective. In T. Sherwood (Ed.), Encyclopedia of diversity and social justice (pp. 457-462). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. Charleston, L. J., Jackson, J. F. L., & Gilbert (2014). Preparing the next generation of African American computing science university faculty: Examining the benefits of the future faculty/research scientist mentoring program. In E. M. Zamani-Gallaher (Ed.), The Obama Administration and educational reform: Research, policy and praxis (pp. 205-222). West Yorkshire, UK: Emerald Press. Leon, R. A., & Jackson, J. F. L. (2015). Examining glass ceiling effects: A cross-sector artifacts analysis perspective. In T. Sherwood (Ed.), Encyclopedia of diversity and social justice (pp. 457-462). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. Jackson, J. F. L., O’Callaghan, E. M., & Adserias, R. P. (2014). Approximating glass ceiling effects using cross-sectional data. In J. F. L. Jackson, E. M. O’Callaghan, & R. A. Leon (Eds.), (2014). Measuring glass ceiling effects in higher education: Opportunities and challenges. New Directions for Institutional Research (159) (pp. 37-47). Jossey-Bass Press. Berhanu, J., & Jackson, J. F. L. (2012). Untold stories: An examination of selected experiences of Black Male graduate students at an ivy league institution. In C. W. Lewis, J. L. Woods., & A. A. Hilton (Eds), Black Males in postsecondary education: Examining their experiences in diverse institutional contexts. Charlotte: NC, Information Age Press. Jackson, J. F. L., Charleston, L. J., George, P. L., & Gilbert, J. E. (2012). Factors that attract African American males to computer science: A study of aspiring and current professionals. In M. C. Brown & T. E. Dancy (Eds.), African American males and education: Researching the convergence of race and identity (pp. 189-201). Charlotte: NC, Information Age Press. Jackson, J. F. L., Charleston, L. J., Lewis, C. W., Gilbert, J. E., & Middleton, L. P. (2012). Rising STEM occupational demands and low American American participants in Arizona’s scientific workforce: Do attitudes toward STEM college majors and careers matter? In The state of Black Arizona: Volume III. Phoenix, AZ: Arizona State University. Jackson, J. F. L., & Charleston, L. J. (2012). Differential gender outcomes of career exploration sessions for African American undergraduates: An examination of a computing science outreach effort at predominantly White institutions. In C. R. Chambers & R. V. Sharpe (Eds.), Black African female undergraduates on campus: Success and challenges (pp. 185-197). Bringley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing. Charleston, L. J., & Jackson, J. F. L. (2011). Future faculty/research scientist mentoring program: Proven coping strategies for successful matriculation of African American in Computing science doctoral programs. In W. F. Tate & H. T. Frierson (Eds.), Beyond stock stories and folktales: African Americans paths to STEM fields (pp. 287-305). Bringley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing. Jackson, J. F. L., Moore III, J. L., & Leon, R. A. (2010). Male underachievement in education across the globe: A shift in paradigm for gender disparities regarding academic achievement. In P. Peterson, E. Baker, & B. McGaw (Eds.), International encyclopedia of education (volume 1) (pp. 838-844). Oxford: Elsevier. Jackson, J. F. L., & Leon, R. A. (2010). Enlarging our understanding of glass ceiling effects with social closure theory in higher education. In J. C. Smart (Ed.), Higher Education: Handbook of theory and research (vol. 25) (pp. 351-379). London/New York: Springer. Jackson, J. F. L., Gilbert, J. E., Charleston, L. J., Gosha, K. (2009). Differential gender effects of a STEM-based intervention: An examination of the African American researchers in computing sciences program. In H. T. Frierson, W. Pearson, J. H. Wyche (Eds.), Programs, policy and academe as pertains to Black American males in higher education (pp. 317-330). Bingley, UK: Emerald. McCurtis, B. R., Jackson, J. F. L., & O’Callaghan, E. M. (2009). Developing leaders of color in higher education: Addressing historical employment trends with contemporary programs. In A. Kezar (Ed.)., New horizons for leadership development for faculty and administrators in higher education (pp. 65-92). Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.
  • Book Reviews
    Jackson, J. F. L. (2007). Book Review, African American men in College. The Journal of College Student Development, 48(3), 358-360. Jackson, J. F. L. (2003). Book Review, Black American students in an affluent suburb: a study of academic disengagement. The Journal of College Student Development, 44(6), 867-870. Jackson, J. F. L. (2001). Book Review, Succeeding in an academic career: A guide for faculty of color. The Journal of College Student Development, 42(5), 496-499. Jackson, J. F. L. (1999). Book Review, Using technology to promote student learning: Opportunities for today and tomorrow. NACADA Journal, 19(1), 81.
  • Selected Articles & Technical Reports
    Jackson, J. F. L., & Moss, C. T. (2020). The institute for African American mentoring in computing (iAAMCS) Final Evaluation Report. National Science Foundation Funded Alliance: University of Florida and University of Wisconsin-Madison. Jackson, J. F. L., Lor, N., Gilbert, J. E, & Magruder, J. A. (2019). INCLUDES Consortium of Minority Doctoral Scholars (CMDS) Final Report. National Science Foundation Funded Alliance: University of Florida and University of Wisconsin-Madison. Jackson, J. F. L., & Moss, C. T. (2019). The institute for African American mentoring in computing (iAAMCS) 2018 evaluation report. National Science Foundation Funded Alliance: University of Florida and University of Wisconsin-Madison. Jackson, J. F. L., & Moss, C. T. (2018). The institute for African American mentoring in computing (iAAMCS) 2017 evaluation report. National Science Foundation Funded Alliance: University of Florida and University of Wisconsin-Madison. Jackson, J. F. L., Charleston, L.J., Na, L., & Moss, C. T. (2017). The institute for African American mentoring in computing (iAAMCS) 2016 evaluation report. National Science Foundation Funded Alliance: University of Florida and University of Wisconsin-Madison. Jackson, J. F. L., & Charleston, L.J. (2016). The institute for African American mentoring in computing (iAAMCS) 2015 evaluation report. National Science Foundation Funded Alliance: University of Florida and University of Wisconsin-Madison. Jackson, J. F. L., & Charleston, L.J. (2015). The institute for African American mentoring in computing (iAAMCS) 2014 evaluation report. National Science Foundation Funded Alliance: University of Florida and University of Wisconsin-Madison. Jackson, J. F. L., & Charleston, L. J. (2014). Iowa State University’s diversity audit and asset inventory. Ames, IA: Iowa State University. Jackson, J. F. L., O’Callaghan, E. M., & Leon, R. A. (2014). Editors’ Notes. In J. F. L. Jackson, E. M. O’Callaghan, & R. A. Leon (Eds.), (2014). Measuring glass ceiling effects in higher education: Opportunities and challenges. New Directions for Institutional Research (159) (pp. 1 -9). Jossey-Bass Press. Jackson, J. F. L., & Charleston, L.J. (2014). The institute for African American mentoring in computing (iAAMCS) 2013 evaluation report. National Science Foundation Funded Alliance: University of Florida and University of Wisconsin-Madison. Jackson, J. F. L., & Charleston, L. J. (2012). The alliance for the advancement of African American researchers in computing (A4RC): Extension final report (2010-12). National Science Foundation Funded Alliance: North Carolina A & T University, Indiana University and University of Wisconsin-Madison. Jackson, J. F. L., Charleston, L. J., & Mueller, T. (2011). The alliance for the advancement of African American researchers in computing: Extension final report (2010-11). National Science Foundation Funded Alliance: North Carolina A & T University, Indiana University and University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Selected Current Projects

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National Study of Intercollegiate Athletics

A set of national longitudinal inventories designed to better understand the organizational culture of intercollegiate athletics and inform institutional hiring practices, guide staff development, and improve staff experiences.
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An annual program that pairs early career scholars and advanced graduate students with established researchers to work directly on research questions and methods that inform studies on African Americans in education.

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​An annual, international experience that brings together world-class scholars, high-impact practitioners, policy makers, and students to discuss and share ideas and innovative practices that improve the educational outcomes and experiences of Black males.

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Seeding Diversity Fellows Program

A professional development program designed to embed diversity, equity, and inclusion in the core values of Geosciences departments at colleges and universities.

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